Medium 14-dose

Kristi Lyn Glass’ Medium 14-dose rectangular pillboxes have embellished decorative stained glass tops glued to a plastic base box. Turn the box over to access its 14 individual compartments. Compartments have separate hinged lids labeled with letters and Braille for the days of the week. Each compartment is .937 x .75 x .687 inch deep (inside measurements). Externally, the box measures 2.5 x 5.125 inches. The pill box’s height will vary according to the box’s embelishments. Fourteen-dose pillboxes may be used to contain one dose per day for two weeks or two doses per day for one week. These pillboxes also make terrific jewelry cases.The design of Kristi Lyn Glass’ pill organizers is a PROTECTED DESIGN 2002. Click on any product picture to view details.


Brown Orange Dichro Tray M 14-dose Pillbox


A dichroic glass cabochon sits in rectangular pool of orange and gold glitter-filled resin on the swirled brown glass top of this medium 14-dose pillbox by Kristi Lyn Glass.

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Custom Medium 14-dose Pillbox


Kristi Lyn Glass will decorate this custom medium 14-dose pillbox with stained glass and embellishments to meet your specifications.

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Mirrored Blue Green Stripes M14-dose Pillbox


A piece of blue abalone shell sits at the intersection of three mirrored stripes on the blue and green enameled glass top of this medium 14-dose pill organizer.

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