Small Septagon
Kristi Lyn Glass’ small 7-dose septagon pillboxes have embellished decorative stained glass tops glued to a plastic base box. Turn the box over to access its individual compartments and view a surprise embellishment in the box’s central well. Small septagon pillboxes have 7 compartments that have separate hinged lids labeled with letters and Braille for the days of the week. Each trapezoidal compartment is 1.125 x .875 x .875 x .375 x approximately .625 inch deep (inside measurements). Externally, the box measures 3 x 3 inches. The height varies according to the box’s embellishments.These pillboxes also make terrific jewelry cases. The design of Kristi Lyn Glass’ pill organizers is a PROTECTED DESIGN 2002. Click on any product picture to view details.
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