Personal, Events

Hello world!

I am exploring ways to let the world know what updates have been made to my website and possibly what is going on in my world. Welcome to my blog! I hope you will register to become a subscriber so you can post comments. Please add this blog to your RSS feed list so you can be automatically informed when I have news to post!


4 thoughts on “Hello world!

  1. Genny says:

    Hi, Kristi, blog looks great. Hope it opens up your world!

  2. Sdmise says:

    Nice work! I’m looking forward to keeping up with your new stuff and news.

  3. Carol says:

    Hey Kris, your website is beautiful. It takes guts to do this. Congrats!

  4. Ian says:

    Looks good Kristi,

    Glad to see everything is up and running.


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