I just completed 30 new stained glass pill boxes and posted them on my website. This is the largest batch of stained glass pillboxes I’ve ever made! Due to brisk holiday sales, I needed to replenish my supply of available readymade pillboxes. I was hopeful of getting these on my website in time for Christmas purchases, and just made it under the wire. If you act fast, I may still be able to get your order to you by Christmas, depending on how far away you or your giftee are from Nevada.
This group of pillboxes includes some new components. I’ve used some lovely mirrored and coated stained glass, which are both quite dazzling in hand. I’ve even experimented with some two-tone boxes that have two strips of different colored mirrored stained glass on top, coated with a clear resin.
I also filled some round metal bezels with various components and secured them in a bed of clear resin. The Millefiori glass filled bezel shown on the large yellow septagon box above sent this box into an eager buyer’s hands before I could even post it on my website! Watch for more of these bezel decorations to come, including heart-shaped ones filled with colored acrylic nuggets, just in time for Valentine’s Day.
New components shown above include iridescent glass hexagons, mirrored glass tiles, and some lovely mirror-backed and embossed cube tiles that have great glimmer and shine.
A friend gave me a big bin of vintage jewelry that has been a treasure trove for embellishments. I particularly enjoyed converting rhinestone earrings and pins from this source into gorgeous sparkly decorations for some of the pillboxes in this batch. I still have many more to play with on future pillboxes.
I continue to use my enamel-backed clear round and heart cabochons, and I have more of these in inventory for future pillbox decor. I plan to make some of these cabochons in different colors soon.
So check out all these new readymade pillboxes on my website today. The picture above just doesn’t do these beautiful boxes justice. You need to see the bigger individual pictures!
If you need an order rush-shipped to arrive in time for Christmas, contact me, and I’ll arrange to expedite the shipment. If you’re local to the Elko, NV, area, I’ll refund your shipping charge and arrange for local pickup or hand delivery of your order. Merry Christmas!