Artwork, Creations

Additions to the Herd

Four Horse Stencils

There are now four horses in my stencil herd.

I recently created three more horse stencils, similar to my Blue Steed shown in the upper left of the above picture. The other three steeds are shown with temporary encaustic backgrounds to give you an idea where I’m headed with these.

I plan to place a variety of backgrounds behind each individual stencil, starting with new encaustic works and possibly adding printed fabric backgrounds for an entirely different effect. I will take pictures of each combination and clean them up on my computer, making the white areas a clean, consistent white.

The results will be printed individually and/or enlarged/reduced/grouped/resized/flipped horizontally and then printed. The possibilities are endless, so I’m really looking forward to the next phases of this project.

Innards of Standing Horse

The innards of the Standing Horse stencil await embellishment.

The carefully cut innards of each stencil are also available to be transformed into additional works of art, such as I did with my Rainbow Steed, using the innards from the Blue Steed stencil.

I also have two more horse stencils drawn and ready to cut out, so watch for more about them.

I feel like I’m galloping along on the backs of my “steeds.” Do let me know what you think of this new project! Do you have additional ideas for backgrounds for these stencils?

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