Creations, SteedBeads

Retiring The Model Horse SteedBead Line

Model Horse SteedBeads

I’ve now sold all my Model Horse SteedBeads™ rhythm beads, so I’ve decided to retire this line of products. I started making SteedBeads for model horses back in May 2015. I offered them in Small and Medium sizes, primarily to fit the two most popular sizes of Breyer model horses.

The market for these products never really took off. They sold best in retail environments where people could see for themselves how cute, sturdy, and detailed they were. My products’ only in-person retail outlets are in the tiny town of Elko, Nevada. This further limited their sales options, though many of them did sell in Elko.

The small size of the seed beads and other components used for these tiny SteedBeads have become a challenge for my aging eyesight and dexterity, so I’m saying goodbye to creating any more of them. If you would like me to make you a custom set of Model Horse SteedBeads, please contact me. I have an ample supply of their components, and I would be happy to do so. The price for a custom set of Model Horse SteedBeads would be $10.00 plus $3.50 for shipping.


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